Exit Survey Kebumen International Expo (KIE) 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kebumen Regency

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Exit Survey Kebumen International Expo (KIE) 2022

Exit Survey Kebumen International Expo (KIE) 2022

June 27, 2022 | BPS Activities

Hi Friend Data
How are you, are you always healthy?
Go to Tumenggungan Market to buy catfish
Don't forget to also buy papaya leaves
For those of you who are already present at KIE
Please help to fill out the survey
In order to enliven the Kebumen International Expo (KIE), the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Kebumen Regency in collaboration with the Regional Government (Pemda) of Kebumen Regency, held the 2022 KIE Exit Survey. The resulting data will be used as one of the inputs in the preparation of the Kebumen Economic Insight .
Please fill in the data according to the actual situation. The data you fill in will be useful for the formulation and decision making of development policies. Of course, the data you provide will be very important for evaluation and successful implementation.
Come on, let's fill out the survey at the link:
Thank you for your participation, buddy.
Kebumen International Expo
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kebumen Jl. Arungbinang No. 17A Kebumen 54311  Jawa Tengah Telp (62-287) 381163

Faks (62-287) 381163

Mailbox : bps3305@bps.go.id   





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