July 2020 in Jawa Tengah, the value of exports rose 12.44 and the value of imports increased by 40.49 percent, meanwhile for the trade balance a surplus of US $ 35.32 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kebumen Regency

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July 2020 in Jawa Tengah, the value of exports rose 12.44 and the value of imports increased by 40.49 percent, meanwhile for the trade balance a surplus of US $ 35.32 million

July 2020 in Jawa Tengah, the value of exports rose 12.44 and the value of imports increased by 40.49 percent, meanwhile for the trade balance a surplus of US $ 35.32 millionDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 1, 2020
File Size : 1.37 MB


  • Jawa Tengah's export value in July 2020 was US $ 710.91 million, an increase of 12.44 percent compared to exports in June 2020. However, when compared to exports in July 2019, it decreased by 13.02 percent
  • The import value of Jawa Tengah in July 2020 was US $ 675.59 million, an increase of 40.49 percent compared to the import value in June 2020. However, when compared to the import value in July 2019, it decreased by 38.43 percen
  • Jawa Tengah's trade balance in July 2020 was a surplus of US $ 35.32 million. The oil and gas trade balance experienced a deficit of US $ 118.99 million, while non-oil and gas commodities experienced a surplus of US $ 154.31 million

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