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February 2023 The development of the Combined Consumer Price Index for Six Cities in Central Java experienced an inflation of 0.29 percent. with the highest inflation in Tegal City of 0.62 percent
In February 2023, a combined six cities in Central Java experienced an inflation of 0.29 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 114.03. Of the six CPI cities in Central Java, all cities experienced inflation.
The main causes of inflation in February 2023 will be increases in the prices of rice, filter clove cigarettes, shallots, garlic and tariffs for drinking pump water. The main restraint of inflation was the decline in the prices of purebred chicken, broiler eggs, tomatoes, gold jewelery and squid.
The February 2023 calendar year inflation rate was 0.61 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (February 2023 to February 2022) was 5.81 percent.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kebumen Jl. Arungbinang No. 17A Kebumen 54311 Jawa Tengah Telp (62-287) 381163